The archive is a work in progress.

The list below goes up to May 2016.
Over the next several years, we’ll
gradually catch up to the present. [more]


Jan Apparatus recursive drawing

Apparatus prototypal inheritance

Email receipts

Moving the Image

Room OS

Omni spacetime

Bouncy balls

All Human Abilities and Characteristics

Physical identity and persistence

Bubble Sort

Feb Earth Primer

Research gallery

Tile files

The past is always with us

Grids from the plane

Database of meaning

Time and possibility

Dau Media Forum

Dynamic Library

Noun wall

Mar Video binder

Code Blocks

Everyone in LA thinks about traffic constantly

Hypercard in the World

Blue Book / Silver Book

Apr Ceiling Archive


All-hands zine

Shipping container living

Email poster

Email binder

May Number rectangle

Video coasters

Slicing a PDF


Slide 141

Vivarium Night

Movie Nights poster

Seeing Spaces dynamic poster

Virtual sprawl


Fluid groups

The Web of Alexandria

Mirror Hacking Workshop

Peppy Projector

Jun Tokens for Shawn

Homo Aestheticus poster

"Being in the World" in the world

Working with dynamic media together


Touch table

Chipper Camera


Twitter poster


Engelbart 1969

Floppy disks, github, and tangible software

Laser painting

Tape transcript

Thinking, Fast and Slow reading group tools

Number line algebra

Jul Codex @ Codex

Glen's bookshelf

A computing system for dynamic spatial media

Handmade books

Minecraft lasers

Tangible video


EFF 25

Room/log #1

Dynamic spice rack

Plotting in the world

Pulse monitor


Aug Emoji cards

State machine in the world

Handheld printing


Apparatus tides diagram


LEGO workshop

Laser pen cap

Laser game jam

Laser Socks

Mole Tank

Desert journalism

Sep Progress poster

Receipt printer video camera

Power of Simplicity

Apparatus microjam

Attempting Deep Work

An American Family

Space Kit


Laser cut shelving

Oct Apparatus biking

Table beziers

Book cover maker

Dynamic drafting paper


The Deep Work of Bootstrapping

A Little Bit More Stable

Nov Autocompleting facts

Marilyn Maloney


Climate Change

Pokefusion poster

Dec Apparatus simulation

Lab v2


Pitch tracking hybrid timelines

Her Story Story

Push to talk



The archive is a work in progress.

The list above goes up to May 2016.
Over the next several years, we’ll
gradually catch up to the present. [more]