February 2014


by Robert M Ochshorn

Generates a receipt as you browse Wikipedia.

Custom offline-Wikipedia interface and thermal printer, embedded into an old encyclopedia. Offers wireless network with captive portal collaborative encyclopedia; tracks browsing and prints receipts of drifts in realtime.
Look at something closely enough and the truth of the universe is manifest in its every detail. The name "hyperopia" refers to a (supposed) defect of vision commonly known as farsightedness.
Hyperopia is a device based on the principle that "Reading is Writing" and that focusing attention is a creative act. In this case, reading from the encyclopedia literally ejects a new paper document comprising the associative trail of a reader-writer's clicks on links, images, and article excerpts. Paper begetting paper.

Generated the Receipt wall (2014).

See also All-hands zine (2015).


An example drift: