Group movie-watching

When we watched movies or talks at CDG, we often would try some experiment to augment the experience, typically around "seeing the whole" or enhancing discussion.

Something about Cinematic Reality (2014) allows viewers to comment, diverge, and rejoin.

Vivarium Night (2015) brought together a set of experiments for seeking, discussion, and postcard-printing.

The Movie Nights poster (2015) shows which movies we've watched, or want to.

"Being in the World" in the world (2015) surrounds the screen with context about the chapters and characters, and led to a discussion on augmented viewing.

The Movie-map (2015) was generated from an augmented viewing session.

Minecraft lasers (2015) had a laser-powered audience-voting system.

Attempting Deep Work (2015) augments the screen with a map of the slide deck, and allows for scrubbing and bookmarking.


In An American Family (2015), all twelve episodes play simultanously.