January 2015
Physical identity and persistence
by Bret Victor
Bret Victor
[ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
[Stream-of-thought, trying to figure out something out at the end of a long tiring day....
Bret Victor
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
[pulling this from the drafts folder, written a week ago] After rereading Craig's...
Bret Victor
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
Reading http://dorophone.blogspot.com/2011/07/duckspeak-vs-smalltalk.html...
Bret Victor
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
(Forgot to mention the point, which was The entire system is transparent...
“Escaping-the-rectangle stuff” refers to Escaping the tiny rectangle (2014).
Regarding the distinction between "speech-like" and "writing-like", see Ong's Orality and Literacy.
The description of the Smalltalk demo is from Kay's Early History of Smalltalk. The Hutchins quote is from Cognition in the Wild.
Glen Chiacchieri
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
I just want to say that I like these journal things we've been doing, and I hope...
Dave Cerf
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
******** reminds me of this scene in the Matrix. While searching for the...
Toby Schachman
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
Maybe McLuhan's "hot" (speech-like) and "cold" (writing-like)...
Dave Cerf
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
On Feb 1, 2015, at 11:17 PM, Bret Victor wrote: One of the interesting things...
Dave Cerf
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
Music is another kind of collective experience worthy of looking at: a real-time...
Dave Cerf
Re: [ramble] [read at your own risk] [what is this] physical identity
On Feb 1, 2015, at 11:17 PM, Bret Victor wrote: As the Room project progresses, I...