Image processing

Many projects involve interpeting camera images, so there has been interest in how the steps of an image-processing pipeline could be represented visibly or tangibly.

Dynamic drafting paper (2015) mocks up image processing on a whiteboard.

CV visualizer (2016) displays all of the images produced by each line of code.

Realtalk Toys (2016) have image processing timelines.


(Various projects during the early Realtalk years which haven't been archived yet.)

Image filters (2020) is the start of a tangible OCR pipeline.


Collage Kit (2020) is for replicating and arranging live images.


Marks Kit (2020) makes hand-drawn shapes into Realtalk objects.


Wind recognizer (2021) recognizes physical objects by shape.


EM Analysis Kit (2022) suggests how microscopy images could be processed.

Recognition Kit (2022) introduces general-purpose tangible image processing.

Recognition Kit (2024) is even better.
