June 2015
by May-Li Khoe, Bret Victor, everyone
Because this was created in a shared physical space, it naturally attracted collaborators, who worked together side-by-side.
Over time, everyone in the group put at least one object into the scene, some simple and some with advanced behavior.
Explanation excerpted from the annotated video Hypercard in the World (2016).
See also Laser painting (2015).
Drawing the animals.
Making the diorama.
Adding the backdrop.
Blessing the dog. This is how the animals are brought to life.
The sun dances.
The raincloud toggles on and off.
The frog catches the laser pointer with its tongue.
The unicorn sparkles.
You can put your face on the bunny.
The wall audio player contains the program that plays the sounds.
The email thread.
Nagle and May-Li were accustomed to "write code on the computer, then run it", and I had to make them do the opposite -- put the unicorn/anglerfish into the scene, bless it, and then write code on the animal itself.
More photos.