May 2018

Rain this color

by Bret Victor, Paula Te

Based on Make it rain (2017), but the raindrops are the color of whatever real-world object is in the circle.

@cwervo — May 26, 2018 Hi Dynamicland is the future, I mean, look at how little code there is in this amazing demo!! And it's not even about the code, it's about the system being so robust that you can compose color detection & modifying other pages!!!
@worrydream — May 26, 2018 harder to capture in a tweet -- this came out of @itshunkydory and me casually taking turns messing with "make it rain" while chatting with Margaret and Cynthia around the lunch table. it's a doodle.
@worrydream — May 26, 2018 this is what's impossible to convey about @dynamicland1 -- what look like "demos" or "projects" in these tweets are actually just the leftover scratch paper from conversation, discussion, exploration, playing, joking, riffing in a real place in real time with real people