Reading in context

While Dave and Robert were trying to see a whole video at once, Bret wanted to see a whole book at once.

Glen's Phumblr (2014) turned a reading list into a space.

The Mathematical Modeling poster (2014) is an expanded table of contents.

The Reading in context (2014) posters have thumbnail grids of entire chapters.

Diorama timelines (2014) get three-dimensional.

Hanging mobile timelines (2014) get three-dimensional and airborne.


In Known unknowns (2014), Robert applies his video timelines to books and documents.


In the Dynamic Library (2015), the whole book is projected above the shelf, and can be interacted with. This is one of the two key projects (with Research gallery) that sparked Hypercard in the World, which led to Realtalk.


Collective Electrodynamics posters (2018) were actually used for studying an entire book in-depth.