December 2014

Escaping the tiny rectangle

by Bret Victor, Robert M Ochshorn

A plan to document and publish the spatial representations that had been designed during the first year of CDG. (See full size.)

Did not happen at that time, but here we are. The planned line-up was:

Spatial reading material

Latour poster (2014)
The Space of Person-to-Person Communication poster (2014)
Modes of Human Experience poster (2014)
Unthinkable dynamic poster (2014)
Seeing Spaces dynamic poster (2015)

Galleries for browsing and recalling

Research gallery (2015)
Representation gallery (2014)
Receipt wall (2014) / Hyperopia (2014)

Maps of terrain:

Mathematical Modeling poster (2014)
Video grids (2014)
Known unknowns (2014)
Bigboard (2015)

Spaces for reading in context

Diorama timelines (2014)
Hanging mobile timelines (2014)
Dynamic Library (2015)

Closing / Roadmap:

Progress poster (2015)

A quick overview of many of these projects, excerpted from the annotated video Hypercard in the World (2016).
