February 2015

Research gallery

by Bret Victor, Robert M Ochshorn

A gallery of group projects. Lasering a sticky label brings up the project and its email discussion.


Explanation excerpted from the annotated video Hypercard in the World (2016), which also talks more about its origins.


Motivated the creation of Room OS (2015) and Hypercard in the World (2015).

Later discussed at the Research gallery jam (2016), and reconceived as the Research gallery (2019).

Humble origins as a simple poster gallery.

The idea of laser-pointing at the labels.

Initial prototypes.


Naturally, this wanted to be an operating system. Pick up the thread at Room OS (2015).

The first full posters are made and integrated with Room OS (2015).


The gallery travels to CDG Los Angeles for an all-hands meeting.

Thread highlighting, search, decorations.


Blessing posters 4 and 5.

At the 2-year anniversary party (2016).

Using the gallery to present our work to guests.

Discussing the now-old research gallery at the Research gallery jam (2016).

Some close-ups:

We filled five posters before we vacated the CDG space and turned our full attention to Realtalk.

Later: Research gallery (2019)