Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:01:34 -0800
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Re: research gallery / wall-blog
> On Dec 9, 2014, at 9:18 PM, Bret Victor <****************> wrote: > > There are a number of components to this system (web apps, backend stuff, camera processing, etc.) and for anyone who's interested, this might make for a fun group project. Interested! I got started with camera processing. I got a 10x10 grid working at high speeds and accuracy with a casually set up webcam and projector:
Even 20x20 seemed fairly robust:
... So I tried something more challenging:
It's too late and I've been aligning too many rectangles to tell if this is magical, terrifying, or both. In any case, it sort of works! ...doubt it will work in direct sun--it's even afraid of its own light! RMO