Agreed. The label printer seems like an easy step toward spatializing ideas. I would hope for even larger prints on the poster, big enough to see from a distance. We have the whole 3d-space of the lab to use so let's use it!
I would also like if each prototype had some context. Maybe who made it, the date, and possibly some of the email text. If this were dynamic, I could imagine touching each picture would reveal this context peek-quotes-style.
I've made one of these collages for my own work so I remember what I've done:
(these are actually iframes with css-zoomed live pages)
What we're driving at, I think, is a "spatial memo", but less formal than that implies. I've lately had the same thought that our emails are a terrible archive, distributed among individuals and not visually browsable. I like that our emails are informal—no extra effort needed—but wish they were archived better, or could even turn into publishable, collaborative digital documents.
Longer term, I really wish our filesystems were set up memex-style. Everything you look at and create is serialized and added to a big browsable list both on the tiny rectangle and in a physical space. You could selectively add things to a shared CDG branch and all of us in the lab would have access to it. I would imagine that this would even bleed into real life, so that the places we travel and the people we see could be in this list—the notebook of life.