April 2015


by Bret Victor

The implementation of Hypercard in the World (2015), in itself, as a whiteboard of components that can be seen and live-edited.

Doesn't go very deep, but very visible. Realtalk (2017) would go much deeper, but hasn't yet achieved this level of visibility.

Explanation excerpted from the annotated video Hypercard in the World (2016).


The machinery that implements the system is itself a large poster, where the collections (databases) are large blocks of magnetized foamcore which display their contents, and the programs are (currently) pieces of paper which display their code.

Making of.

Designing the system. Collections and processes and represented by green and blue sticky notes respectively.

Crafting the board. Collections are foamcore panels.

Processes are blue pieces of paper with the source code printed on them.

Bringing the board to life (starting with Bouncy balls (2015), of course).


Calibration crosshairs.


Such a nice bigboard.

At the 2-year anniversary party (2016).

The name ”Bigboard” is a reference to Snow Crash.