Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:34:16 -0700
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: Hypercard In The World
The system now can track multiple lasers in a single camera.  This will make things better for multiple people interacting with or working on the same thing (e.g., multiple people pointing to animals in the serengeti).

(With this fixed, the remaining annoyance when working at the same time as other people is how inspecting objects can interfere with others -- this is a problem with the inspector UI, not the system itself, and will get fixed if we figure out a better UI for bringing up objects in the inspector.)

You can see the system changes on the big board below:
 - "Detect Lasers" now produces an (unordered) array of all the laser points it sees in the current camera frame.
 - "Track Lasers" gives each point an item that stays stable even as other points come and go
 - this goes into same hit testing machinery as before