Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 17:41:06 -0800
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Re: escaping the tiny rectangle
I’m all for this!

My video prototypes still need to escape the tiny rectangle, but are almost jumping off the screen with their excitement to do so. I’d love some help brainstorming the best way to represent the cartography-overlappy-thing and video-grids-interlace-etc with a focus on their spacey-ness. Ideally, these projects could more permanently reside in CDG.

If you were to indicate your intention for short video aesthetics on a scale somewhere between the animated gif walk cycle you made and the shaky cell phone video of glen actually hand-standing through a book, where would do you think you’d put the fuzzy magnet?


On Dec 2, 2014, at 5:13 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

I'm vaguely starting to think about publishing a Web Page On The Internet entitled something like "Escaping the Tiny Rectangle: A Collection of Experiments" to document some of the things that are hanging around the space.

Here are some projects that could be featured.  For each, there would probably be a paragraph describing the purpose/goal, and a short (5-10 sec) video, with human beings for scale, since a static photo might not capture the scale etc.

spatially-represented text
 - latour passage, turned into a poster comic
 - gershenfeld table of contents, turned into a poster

spatially-represented video
 - unthinkable talk, turned into a dynamic poster thing
 - seeing spaces talk, turned into a poster comic
 - maybe some RMO+dave grids?  Interlace etc?

spaces for seeing and thinking and pointing at things
 - representation gallery
 - magnetic icons + iPad app for making them (those things on the right side of the library whiteboard)
 - RMO's hyperopia + receipts taped to the wall

spaces for reading while surrounded by context
 - maxwell diorama and maxwell hanging mobile (in the library)
 - RMO's cartography of time overlappy thing + kinect browsing

Some of these will need more work before they should be shown, but that work won't happen without the motivation of having to show them.

Let me know if there are other projects that could go here, or if you're inspired to make more things to fit in these categories, etc.
