Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:42:45 -0800
From: Joshua Horowitz
Subject: "How Bodies Matter" poster
A few days ago Nagle and I agreed to read some papers for later discussion. After reading Klemmer et al.'s "How Bodies Matter" (a survey of the ways that embodiment plays into interaction design), I felt like it would be easier to talk about if we had something to point at and riff off of. Also, the paper is based on a five-theme outline, so there was a really obvious structure to use.

So last night I made the widest HTML file of my life:

Inline image 1

And today I printed it:

Inline image 2

It's like the "How Bodies Matter" newspaper or something.

I considered making custom icons to illustrate the different parts of the paper, but I ended up doing the crudest thing possible, and just transplanted the paper text into a new format.

Given that I didn't really apply any human intelligence to this activity, it is frustrating that we can't just throw all of our papers into the Poster Machine for discussion purposes. (I estimate 1hr of intelligence-free effort would be required to do another paper like this.)

I have not yet had a conversation with someone while standing next to the poster. I will let you know how it goes.

Attachment: HowBodiesMatter-DIS2006.pdf
Attachment: poster.pdf