Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 23:09:35 -0700
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Re: CDG People booklet - link to latest version?
Dear Kim,

If people want to read things legibly, the compilation Aran made is much more legible digitally. I suggest you send this link:

The booklet I made is available as a PDF, but it’s interleaved to be printed and folded (double-sided, landscape “short-edge”) and if viewed on the screen is just bulky to download and confusingly-ordered:


I did put the UI for the typewriter-pages online, but it’s not really designed for mass consumption (4mb load-time is better than the PDF, but not super great): 

Finally, in case it’s useful to have the image of the booklet dissociated from the thing itself, here are some photographs, below.

All best,

On Jul 15, 2015, at 8:12 PM, Kim Rose wrote:

Hi, Robert -

I'm preparing a report for the VPRI Board of Directors annual meeting and I thought they might be interested to see the "CDG people" book you initially created for the all-hands meeting.

Can you send me a LINK I can put into a report and they could then download the latest version as a PDF if they are interested to read and learn more?

That'd be very helpful.
Thank you!!