Dynamicland presentations, reports, articles, &c

Dynamicland website 2024: Online real-world collection of the lab’s decade of work, with a cross-referenced archive of all projects.

The communal science lab: Founding document for a Realtalk-based science lab, in collaboration with Shawn Douglas, depicting the vision of communal science.

Improvising cellular playgrounds in Realtalk: The first scientific presentation using Realtalk as the medium.  15 minute summary + 1 hour presentation.

Progress report 2022: Photo-comic of our work in 2022, with reflections on what’s been accomplished and what’s still needed.

Radical Decentralization, Radical Empowerment, and Dynamicland: A Dynamicland perspective on the decentralized web.

Biomolecular design in Realtalk: Video demonstration of Realtalk in the science lab, showing nanostructure design, wet lab work, and data analysis.  10 minutes.

Progress report 2021: Handwritten letter to the community, describing progress through the pandemic and future plans.

gentle, a personal history: Robert reflects on the creation and future of his transcript alignment tool.

Dynamicland Foundation narrative of activities: Dynamicland’s mission and philosophy as an educational institution, written for our nonprofit application.

Progress report 2020: Informal video tour of the lab, demonstrating early progress on Realtalk 2020, with an emphasis on extreme visibility.  20 minutes.
Bootstrapping Research & Dynamicland: Bret’s talk on the history of “bootstrapping research”, and how Dynamicland continues this almost-extinct tradition.  30 minutes.

At Dynamicland, The Building Is The Computer: Carl Tashian’s investigation into the history and meanings of Dynamicland.

The Research Gallery: Extensive report on designing Dynamicland’s dynamic project gallery.

Progress report 2014-2019: Photo-comic covering the lab’s first five years of work, and the origins of Realtalk and Dynamicland.

TTI/V talk: Luke’s notes for an executive talk on Dynamicland’s principles and aspirations.

The Library: Bret’s vision of a dynamic library.

Community Learning at Dynamicland: Paula introduces Dynamicland in the context of equity.

Students at Dynamicland: A report on student field trips, university residencies, and other engagements with the education community

Notes from Dynamicland: Programming Raspberry Pis: Omar’s adventures in integrating electronics into Realtalk.

Dynamicland & me: Andrés Cuervo demonstrates his Realtalk projects.

The Next Big Thing is a Room: Steve Krouse’s overview and impressions of Dynamicland.

Notes from Dynamicland: Geokit: Omar’s report on his Realtalk-based mapping toolkit.

Dynamicland at Eyeo: Isaac Cohen’s experience of growing with the Dynamicland community, with an introduction from Paula and Josh.  50 minutes.

Dynamicland: A New Direction for Immersive Simulations: Eli Kosminsky describes his Realtalk-based educational simulation kit.

La Tabla at the Experimental Gameplay Workshop: Chaim and Luke present their tangible play environment.  8 minutes.

Dynamicland at Harvard: Bret presents the community’s Realtalk projects and the principles behind Dynamicland.  45 minutes.

The Social Dynamics of Programming Together in Dynamicland: Toby’s note on collaboration and remixing at Dynamicland.
Dynamicland website 2017: Our previous attempt to convey what Dynamicland is via a web page.

rmo @ google: Robert presents a selection of his dynamic media explorations

Laser Socks: Glen’s game in Hypercard in the World takes on a life on its own.

Utopian Hacks: Götz Bachmann’s ethnographic perspective on the lab’s processes.

Dynamicland zine: Founding document of the Dynamicland community space, depicting the vision, principles, and progress.

Flowsheets v2: Glen presents his next environment for visible programming.  10 minutes.

La Tabla: Chaim and Luke’s tangible play environment, a predecessor to Realtalk.

Flowsheets v1: Glen presents his environment for programming with visible data.  15 minutes.

Hypercard in the World: Bret demonstrates his laser-powered environment for programming physical objects in the real world.  45 minutes.

Play Design: Chaim’s dissertation on play and the history of computing.

The Deep Work of Bootstrapping: Götz Bachmann’s earliest ethnographic report on the lab.  40 minutes.

Gentle: Robert’s tool for aligning spoken language with written text.

What can a technologist do about climate change?: Bret’s essay on developing technology and media for long-term crises.

Apparatus: Toby’s environment for creating interactive diagrams by drawing graphics spatially and programming relationships symbolically.

Apparatus at Future Programming Workshop: Toby presents Apparatus and discusses its motivations.  40 minutes.

Earth Primer: Chaim’s playable science book, illustrated with interactive simulations.
Shadershop: Toby’s environment for programming mathematical functions by spatially manipulating and composing waveforms.

The Humane Representation of Thought: Bret presents the long-term vision of a spatial dynamic medium.  55 minutes.

Eyes on the Prize: Glen’s “active video”, in which one watches a documentary while reading textual context and exploring original sources.

Legible Mathematics: Glen sketches an interactive arithmetic for programming.

Seeing Spaces: Bret envisions a makerspace for seeing and understanding systems.  15-minute presentation, plus comic-poster.

CDG Research Agenda and Former Floor Plan: Bret’s founding document for the lab.  The long-term vision of a spatial dynamic medium.  10 ft x 2.5 ft poster.

Earlier related work, from before the lab was formed, can be found on Bret’s website — worrydream.com