Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:31:09 -0500
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Algorithmic alphabets talk
We successfully delivered our talk yesterday to what we were told was a full house in Nantes University in France, and we were told it was very well received


In embarrassing honesty I put the talk date in my calendar's month view off by one week in the future and then got so caught up in the exciting progress of Recognition Kit 2 that I didn't notice the error until last week, so it ended up being a bit of a rush and I didn't have time to polish everything nearly as much as I hoped... we also had to cut a bunch at the last minute yesterday after our first take was 10 minutes over, which I think made the now-improvised introductory "notational history" in particular a little shaky, but ~other than that~ I think it came out alright and I certainly learned a lot for next time! As is Realtalk tradition I made the 1-page presentation software from scratch as I put the talk together.

(I'd especially like that to be my first and last time using Final Cut Pro — I'm excited to get video recording finished in Realtalk along with all the tantalizing possibilities of "video snapshot"-like experiences which could render illuminations at full resolution and where you could pause the video at any moment and play with the live objects...)

But regardless of the talk I'm extremely happy with the new work it helped motivate, which actually originated with the DNA Bricks video that the L-system notation is intended for (a 3D version of the Hilbert curve is used for optimizing the layout of the voxels for fast neighbor-access in the new version of DNA Bricks Kit).

Next up is finishing the Alphabets & Shapes sequel to resolve the Recognition Kit 2 cliffhanger!