Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 15:41:06 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: publications webpage
Point-and-click adventure games these days often have a "Show All Hotspots" key (maybe ~?) that highlights everything clickable, that could be a cool thing to have in hyperimages!

Good idea!  Now, if you press shift, control, or command, you see all of the links highlight.

Maybe we should put little stars next to "The Big Stuff" in the list (E.g. the Zine, the Progress Reports, etc.)? Hard to pick though, there's a lot of big stuff!

Yeah, I started doing that, and realized that, depending on my threshold, either it's all big stuff or I was just starring what was already featured on the front shelf.  So I think the front shelf is our "first things to look at" list.

It might be more expressive of our style if we used more "indie" links to books where possible (Powell's in Portland is a good catch-all, or the original publisher site)

I just found, which might be good?  It seems to be positioned as the "indie anti-Amazon" which donates all profits to the independent bookstore of your choice:

"We support local, independent bookstores.  Choose your favorite bookstore to receive the full profit from your purchases."

On Nov 26, 2023, at 12:11 PM, Luke Iannini <****************> wrote:

Oh man it's so awesome! It's gonna be huge to have this in the world.

Yes the Bricks making-of is underway, just making a few tweaks to the code to make it present more clearly and show off some bits Shawn didn't have time to get to!

And definitely should have a reference to the CDG gallery in the article! I'll dig up what's going on with the commented text and make an edit.

In case we ever want to bring our video transcription in-house, I dug up a pure C port (~12k lines + the model blobs) of OpenAI's Whisper model a while ago when Shawn was asking about voice input (I wasn't keen to enmesh Realtalk with Big AI directly).

Can't wait to dig in and explore — a few ideas from watching the video:

Point-and-click adventure games these days often have a "Show All Hotspots" key (maybe ~?) that highlights everything clickable, that could be a cool thing to have in hyperimages!

Maybe we should put little stars next to "The Big Stuff" in the list (E.g. the Zine, the Progress Reports, etc.)? Hard to pick though, there's a lot of big stuff!

It might be more expressive of our style if we used more "indie" links to books where possible (Powell's in Portland is a good catch-all, or the original publisher site)

I was thinking while watching the lovely tabs section that it would be amazing to also have cutter-powered custom double-sided adhesives for stickable objects, and indeed they've got something for that!

On Nov 25, 2023, at 11:41 AM, Bret Victor <****************> wrote:

I've been working on the Publications section of the website:

[]  (35 min)

Here it is:


It's mostly done!  Just a few things left to do:

- Improvising cellular playgrounds in Realtalk:  Luke is going to record his "making of" for the epilogue, and I might re-record mine as well.  Then I'll do another editing pass and make a video book.

- Communal computing for 21st-century science:  We're going to revise this document in December.

- Hypercard in the World:  I'm going to edit a video, based on the videos Paula made, and make a video book.

- The Research Gallery:  I added back the link to the stampede appendix, as per Luke's suggestion, and removed text that had been commented out.  However, some of the commented-out text mentioned the CDG research gallery, and I thought that would be an important prior art reference to have for context.  Luke, how would you feel about adding a sentence or two (and maybe a picture) of the old research gallery somewhere in the article?

- The video player has a couple bugs.

- Some technical stuff, such as putting the images on AWS and setting up CloudFront.

Before we leave for our travel on Dec 11, I'm hoping to have a first draft of the main shelf and a revision of the archive layout, so the entire site (other than post-2015 archive items) will be there in some form, and I'll start sending it out to some friends.