Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 08:41:35 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: publications webpage
I've been working on the Publications section of the website:

[]  (35 min)

Here it is:

It's mostly done!  Just a few things left to do:

- Improvising cellular playgrounds in Realtalk:  Luke is going to record his "making of" for the epilogue, and I might re-record mine as well.  Then I'll do another editing pass and make a video book.

- Communal computing for 21st-century science:  We're going to revise this document in December.

- Hypercard in the World:  I'm going to edit a video, based on the videos Paula made, and make a video book.

- The Research Gallery:  I added back the link to the stampede appendix, as per Luke's suggestion, and removed text that had been commented out.  However, some of the commented-out text mentioned the CDG research gallery, and I thought that would be an important prior art reference to have for context.  Luke, how would you feel about adding a sentence or two (and maybe a picture) of the old research gallery somewhere in the article?

- The video player has a couple bugs.

- Some technical stuff, such as putting the images on AWS and setting up CloudFront.

Before we leave for our travel on Dec 11, I'm hoping to have a first draft of the main shelf and a revision of the archive layout, so the entire site (other than post-2015 archive items) will be there in some form, and I'll start sending it out to some friends.