Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:06:21 -0700
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: CCC talk
Here's the outline from today's meeting.


Introduction to Realtalk
 - brief history of Dynamicland
 - editing, pointing, wishing pages are highlighted

History of DNA nanotechnology
     - annotated papers that fan out data and models
     - dynamic timeline
     - include audience suggestions to show it's not canned
 - papers
    - Rich, hybridization?
    - synthetic DNA?
    - Ned, first junction
    - Ned, first crystal
    - Paul, origami
    - Shih, 3D origami
    [scientific progress is non-linear]
 - dynamic models for each paper
    - views
      - strand view
      - gel view (gels as snapshots in time)
      - 3d view
      - protocol view, plates and racks, show protocol to recreate their constructs
      - thermal motion view, concentration view?
    - real controls (sequence, temperature, concentration), not moving molecules by hand
    - get quantitative (show real sizes, temperatures, yields, etc.)
    - demonstrate/simulate methods, not just results
      - move mock tubes to a mock thermal cycler, etc

[CUT] Douglas lab: ssDNA production
  [synergizes with autobreak]
  - dynamic scaffold production board game

Douglas lab:  DNA origami optimization
  [deep dive into design rules for high-precision devices]
  - autobreak in Realtalk
  - paper: Aksel, goniometer [made possible by autobreak]

Douglas lab:  cell playgrounds
  [applications of high-precision devices]
  - paper: Ke, DNA bricks
  - videos of preliminary data
  - nanobrick editor as playground design tool
    - [continuation of 2022 prototypes]
    - allocate wells in plates, simulate gel data
    - UV crosslink card?

[CUT?] 2022 prototypes
  - might have already incorporated them into the new stuff

Future lab

Demo room
Stuff that people saw in the presentation is stuff they will get their hands on in the demo room.


- set up in demo room on first day
- set up in presentation hall on first evening
- present early on second day

 - we will move tables ourselves
 - but we will need a ladder by the first evening

- wifi router
  - bridge to internet
- tablet as handheld camera
  - 1080p camera
  - check battery life
  - local recording?
- machine + lamp to project camera on back screen
- machine + 2 lamps on work table
  - mic stands
  - with light bulbs
- machine + 1 or 2 lamps for timeline wall
  - hanging from the beam

- Travel Kit
- Timeline Kit

- lighting
    - bring our clamp lights
- beam
    - bring extra mic stands as backup
    - ultra-short-throw projector