Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 15:33:23 -0400
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Re: CCC talk
Great!! It looks awesome and I can see the shape of the presentation really nicely!

I think even the tiniest drop of dynamicity on the timeline, like being able to laser any paper or portrait/figure to pull it up large on the main view behind you, would be really effective at conveying the idea that "this is one continuous dynamic system".

On Jul 30, 2023, at 12:41 AM, Bret Victor <****************> wrote:

DNA timeline, take 1:

Here's a first draft of a timeline, along an initial stumble through the parts of the talk that use the timeline.  The timeline isn't especially dynamic right now, but maybe it will get more so, or maybe this is good enough.

I'm imagining setting up the space as in the photo below:

 - timeline on the strip of wall above the doorway:  one machine + two projectors on tripods
 - table:  one machine + one or two projectors on mic stands
 - camera view on the back screen:  one machine + one projector on beam
 - camera:  tablet
