Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:16:36 -0400
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Re: thermodynamics cards
So cool!! This is spookily similar to my propagator work, to the degree that I thought the surprise reveal might be that you'd grabbed the prototype Propagation Kit from Detroit Kit to implement it haha.
(It would be fun to port over — Propagation Kit itself is basically ready to go, I was just polishing up the physical representations, which look nearly identical to the equations you've got, before we went all-hands-on-deck for the science proposal!)

And yeah, the idea that this activity would form a "module" on the way to ascending levels of an explanation is so exciting  — it seems totally plausible that we could make that literally true, where the concepts in this game get compiled into a functioning module for use by higher-level concepts.

The also serves as great further inspiration for spatial program sharing for our rule board imagination jam Part 2 today...

Can't wait to play it!

On May 31, 2023, at 12:26 PM, Bret Victor <****************> wrote:

The text on colored backgrounds didn't show up very well in the video, so here's a photo.  (Plus a bonus photo of the prototype.)



On May 30, 2023, at 11:30 PM, Bret Victor <****************> wrote:

I accidentally made a thermodynamics card game in Realtalk.