Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 22:23:42 -0500
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Distant recognition
A fun moment from Shawn and my post-SPRIND session this afternoon, wherein I'm helping him make a recognizer for small magnetic bricks to define layers of a DNA brick layout... He's running our recognition pipeline on his table, where you can see his real pen on the table on the left, his pen mid-recognition on the right of his table, and my inspection of his recognized pen on my table (which Just Works here because it's being drawn as squares on a Drawing). Tantalizing stuff for piping recognition pipelines between our sites, running half the pipeline on his side and half on mine while I work on recognition stages further downstream, planning on making that real next time!
Bonus pics — extracting and defining color palettes for color-matching from real objects