Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 21:40:36 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: progress report 2022
Last night after dinner, Realtalk generated a PDF with all ten pages of the progress report
which we printed out on the poster printer. (No photo of the big poster unfortunately, but here's what the PDF looked like)
Realtalk also generated cut paths for each page
Joanne diced the poster into pages, and devised a jig for the laser cutter so the cuts would be aligned. We then spent a meditative evening taping the panels onto the backings.
(The backings were also cut via Realtalk)
We finished the assembly last night, made some last-minute corrections this morning, and took the photos in the overcast morning outdoor light. I aligned and white balanced the photos, struggled with mailing lists and mail server bandwidths, and finally got the emails out this afternoon to 217 recipients, after which I settled into my inevitable paranoias that the email is not being delivered, it's going to junk mail, etc. The pictures aren't as beautiful as the object itself, but that's to be expected.
I started working on this on Monday 12/19, post-covid. It is now exactly six weeks later. You'd think I'd have learned by now.