Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 11:31:56 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: Dynamicland website
Some updates on recent progress.

Latest front-page mockup.  Thank you Joanne for the hand-sanded poplar shelves.  (And thank you Whole Foods for the load-bearing garbanzo beans, which will probably not be in the final shot.)

I'm thinking the bottom shelf will be partially cut off, but will be similar to the periphery of the back page of the zine -- a place to hint at foundational books, fun mementos, etc.

Scanning archived media.  In the first pass at Archive Kit, adding new media files required rescanning the entire directory (many minutes) and awkwardly copying-and-pasting refs between pages.  Now it's all incremental and Realtalky.  You add the new files, boop a card with the confirmer, and in the background it rescans, tags, and downsamples only what's changed (a couple seconds), and everything updates immediately.

Media metadata.  First-pass Archive Kit was also using some weird external tools and simplistic date parsing to get metadata.  We've now standardized on ffmpeg and imagemagick, I wrote a sophisticated date parser to do the surprisingly difficult job of converting a date string into a UTC timestamp, and I put in the effort needed to make sure we're using the best dates, since media timestamps are a mess. As a result, some of the files changed names, but I updated all the pages that referred to the old names, such as our albums.

Emails.  I wrote an mbox parser.  It's a page and a half, and now I don't have to be afraid of hulking external email-parsing libraries.  We save attachments as files (that can be referred to by ascensioned filename in the same way as archived media files), and generate a webpage for each email, which can be viewed in the archive viewer.

Making archive items.  I made a second video book, and made cards for all references from the progress report and two video books, and then for everything featured on all five posters of the CDG research gallery.  Here's a quick video about making cards.

[Making archive]

Tagging media.  I started going through the media binder and tagging untagged media.  Here's a quick video about tagging, as well as a meta-note rhapsodizing about being able to point at things.
