Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2022 11:33:33 -0400
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Re: July demo
Sooo coool!!! There's so much packed into every 10 second chunk, the "holy shits per second" have transitioned from a rhythm to an audible frequency.

If the goniometer model is 78 cylinders total we seem to be able to handle that OK as is, here's ~100 running very smoothly... I can make it creak if I make each page create 100 cylinder instances each instead but I can extend the "many" style to paths to amp that up considerably. Once I add the transforms mentioned last night to the many-spheres today we should be able to fling around massive particle models with ease as well!
with the following on each page:
-- Cylinders above me

Wish "cylinder" is a "path" geometry with points {
{x=-10,y=0,z=0}, {x=10,y=0,z=0}
} color {r=1,g=0.5,b=1} radius (0.5).

for i=0,10 do
local cylinder = create_id(you,"cylinder-"..i)
Wish (you) includes (cylinder) with geometry "cylinder"
position {x=0,y=-10-i*2,z=0} rotation {axis="y", angle=0}.

When (you) has region /r/ on /s/,
/s/ has width /w/, /s/ has height /h/,
/s/ has scene /scene/:
local c = region_centroid(r)
local angle = quad_angle(r)
local p = project_position_to_scene({}, c.x, c.y, w, h, -100)
Wish (scene) includes (you) with
position (p) rotation {axis="z", angle=angle}.

On Jul 3, 2022, at 1:26 AM, Bret Victor wrote:

The 3D paths that we're using for the proteins are looking beautiful, btw!

So glad to hear it!! I find myself always keeping a few proteins on the table just to spruce up the place lately.

On Jul 2, 2022, at 10:22 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

The protein segment of the demo is pretty much done.  Here's what it looks like!

Next, I'll be finishing up the origami block decoding and cryo-EM simulation, and then onto the protocol.  

The biggest unknowns right now are how robust the block recognition will be, and whether we'll be able to render the coarse-grained origami model (or even just a cylinder model) with acceptable performance.

I also still don't have any idea how one advances to the next step of a protocol.