Date: Thu, 12 May 2022 16:27:07 -0700
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Re: Protein Kit
Here's a video mockup of what Protein Kit could look like with improved Realtalk capabilities.

[Protein Kit]

A list of the main points:

- recognize cards without dotframes
- search for proteins by handwriting search term
- matched tags for "putting that there"
- recognize printed documents
- linked 3D structure and 1D sequence
    - selection highlighting
    - shared annotations
- make 2D maps/schematics
    - by referencing both 1D and 3D
    - annotated (e.g. "small helix", "turn")
- 3D scenes
    - physical 3D manipulators
- hand-drawn edits
- structure prediction for edited proteins
- visualize the experiment
    - gels
    - plates, EM images, plasmid maps, tube racks...
- plan the paper
    - snapshot images for paper or group meeting
- pose your molecules as you want them in real life
    - then add the peptides or origami to pin them there