Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 16:11:07 -0500
From: Luke Iannini
Subject: Updates!
A few updates on the major projects underway at Detroit Orbital…

I’m working on splitting up some of my large interdependent spinning plates into smaller saucers so others can start playing with them…

I spent the last couple weeks spelunking to sort out the math for 3D-tracked Apriltags, which I’m very excited about! Here’s a video of the hardest part finished and in action:
(Not perfect yet but pretty dang good!)

Before I finish the final bits, I’m going to bundle up some of the prerequisite pieces: switchable 4K cameras, 3D model loading and rendering, and 2D Apriltag recognition (including promotion to full memory-backed editable Realtalk objects and printing).

(And I look forward to other experiments with the new 4K resolution like e.g. small 5x5 dot-grids or even super small 2x2 for a small collection of known tools or labels!) 

In case Shawn hasn’t already mentioned it, pre-built with visible light filter and this lens is the quickest and easiest way to join the 4K Krew

After that’s shipped I’ll bring the 3D tracking all the way home — I think in combination with the model mapping I leaked in “Sneak peak” it’s gonna be prettyyyyyyy pretty cool (and I’m sure we’ll find lots of other fun ways to use it!).

In parallel: I’m still waiting for my NVIDIA Jetson-Pi to ship to hopefully get a fully-functioning ~$99 interactive input-and-output capable Dynacore, but I will finish fixing up all of NanoVG’s features for the vanilla Raspberry Pi for portable lamps, since even if the recognition is low frame rate it will still be useful for walls and objects that don’t move around much!

In parallelism: I’ve got a sketch of the simulation kit compute shader translator that I'm pretty happy with; the “Physarum” sim fits entirely on a single 73-line page, so that’ll land sometime in the not too distant future.

For tablet support: I have some other targets I’m looking into but if anyone’s interested in a Dynatab in the immediate term this is the model to get that works quite flawlessly over here (the 13” model sadly still has wake-from-sleep issues that no one knows how to fix):

The necessary patches have been mainlined into Linux so it all works really nicely now and is about as easy as setting up a NUC, so if anyone orders a Surface Book let me know and I’ll send out the instructions.

OK, that should be enough excitement for a bit!
<3 Luke