Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2017 16:10:03 -0700
From: Paula Te
Subject: Volunteering at Dynamicland Community Hours Tue Oct 10
Hi volunteers, THANK YOU so much for your continuing volunteering efforts at Community Hours. Please let us know if you'll be joining us again to volunteer. We're requesting you come 5:30pm so we can discuss roles, etc, do a quick round of cleanup before the night begins. Some roles we'd like to have covered tomorrow: - Greeter: Someone to be responsible for answering the doorbell and asking people to sign in - Documenter: Someone to be taking photos of the evening. - Activity assistant: This time, Virginia will be leading a "first timers" activity near the couches on the east side. It would be great to have someone assist that activity. - Editor helpers: Some people to help others who want to build! If you can come by early or want to build some things during the hours, here are some project-y tasks that we are thinking about: - Making extra Cookbooks - Making shelves - (laser cutting! :D) - ??? Your project here??? There will be food /during/ the event this time, so we'll make sure you guys are fed :) Josh will be in charge of closing up the night. -- Paula Te **************** -- ************************ ************************