Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 01:00:07 -0700
From: "Virginia McArthur"
Subject: Volunteering at Dynamicland Community Hours Tue Oct 24

Hello again Dynamicland volunteers,


We have our last community hours for 2017 coming up this Tuesday evening and we would love to have everyone together one last time before the end of the year.


For the community hours this Tuesday, we are going to focus the evening a bit more like a showcase and not have planned activities; however, focus on tours and showing off the work that has been done over the past two months.


With that said, we will still have the Kiddie Pool area set up and I would like to have someone sitting in this area helping those that end the tour and would like to have a quick tutorial in Realtalk.


We will have our volunteer meeting at 5:30 to discuss roles and do a quick cleanup.


Open roles:


Assistant for "Print your first page" activity – Kiddie Pool

Tour assistants (2)




Thank you and hope to see you tomorrow!