Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 11:53:22 -0700
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Fwd: The very first Realtalk game jam!
Oops, I forgot to include **************** on this email. Game jam is announced.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Toby Schachman
Date: Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 11:52 AM
Subject: The very first Realtalk game jam!
To: David Hellman , Kate Compton , Daniel Windham , Glen Chiacchieri , May-Li Khoe , Scott Farrar , Andy Matuschak , Ian Johnson , ****************, Isaac Cohen , ****************, Michael Nagle , ****************

Dear game jam friends,

We are SO EXCITED to have you over to make amazing things in Realtalk! We've been working on this system for over a year -- even longer if you count all the prototypes leading up to it. It's finally at a stage where it is ready for you!

The game jam will take place on Saturday and Sunday Sep 9 - 10 at Dynamicland.

469 9th St., Oakland (near 12st BART)

Saturday, Sep 9
10 am - Doors open. Hang out, get comfortable.
11 am - Introduction to Realtalk.
til evening - Game jam. Feel free to leave early or late, whatever is reasonable for you. We'll stay as late as needed to help you with your projects!

Sunday, Sep 10
10 am - Doors open. Game jam.
4 pm - We'll present our work and play each others' games!
7 pm to 10pm - Game Jam Party. Invite your friends!

Please bring a laptop (we'll eventually program without laptop screens, but we don't have enough high-res projection coverage yet). We'll order in food.

See you there!! :D
Bret, Toby, Paula, Josh, Luke, Virginia
