Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 22:46:13 -0800
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Viewing all the emails
FYI, you can go to

to see all the emails sent to the public dynamic list.

Username: dynamic

The search seems to be broken and it auto limits it at 300 emails. But you can see all the emails if you paste this into the javascript console:

  var html = '';
  threads.forEach(function (thread) {
    html += '<a class="thread" href="/threads/'+thread.thread_id+'">';
    html += '<div class="date">'+thread.dateString+'</div>';
    html += '<div class="subject">'+thread.subject+' <span class="authors">'+thread.authors.join(', ')+'</span></div>';
    html += '<div class="thumbnails">';
    thread.thumbnails.forEach(function (thumbnail) {
      html += '<img src="'+thumbnail+'">';
    html += '</div>';
    html += '</a>';
  document.querySelector("#threads").innerHTML = html;

It's slow to load so I recommend pasting that and then opening the threads in new windows. I have found scrolling through the images useful for finding stuff for my reflections presentation.

Inline image 1
