Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 16:50:41 -0800
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Research Gallery Jam
I prototyped a component that might go into a bigger picture research gallery vision. It is a binder of videos, where each page has a framecode linked to a video. (Videos are simulated as a couple of frames because of trouble getting lumiere playing full videos on rpi.)

Inline image 1

Full video:

Things that we thought work well:

- Having the video on the page. No booping. No second screen.
- Being able to take the pages out of the binder, rearrange them, write on the pages, cut out the framecodes.
- Framecodes are aesthetically tolerable.

Things that don't work as well:

- It would be nice to have a static representation of the video as well, in case the page is not in an augmented space.
- Jun suggested printed "buttons" for scrubbing the video. This might solve the above problem too if we had a line of thumbnail frames on the bottom of the framecode. Cover part of that line with your finger to scrub to that part of the video.
- I also think the brightness/resolution is a little lacking. We'll see once we put full videos in (once the next lumiere iteration is ready).

I'm not sure if the framecodes will be the best way to host the dynamic content. Another option might be that as you flip through the binder, dynamic content is displayed on the opposite blank page.

Another option is that images on the page link to dynamic content. Then you'd bring a pseudoscreen near the image and the video would start playing. This way you could put a pseudoscreen next to the binder and as you flip through the pseudoscreen would show the content. This would work in a consistent way with coasters as well.