For my part of the Robotic Jam, I started thinking about why you would want robotic spaces. (here are the notes I made)
My first thought was to bring physical objects toward you, but this didn't strike me as a particularly important since we can already go get things ourselves. Then I thought, why aren't people authoring spaces now? One thing that came to mind was how much friction there was in setting up and changing spaces around. Machines can be faster and more precise than humans, so maybe they could be used for allowing custom-authored spaces.
I imagined people authoring spaces that you could download to your own house, like a space scene, or calming flower scene (appropriating your own existing furniture and using projections):
Everyone should be able to have a TeamLab kind of experience in their own home if they want.
Another analogy is the way that people create levels in Mario Maker for other people to play, people could author spaces for other people to be in. I imagine making fun obstacle courses and things, but I'm sure there's more there.