Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 00:32:33 -0700
From: Dave Cerf
Subject: Re: secrets
On Jul 17, 2016, at 10:02 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

Will the robots be able to move around the ceiling?  No one seems to be talking about the ceiling robots.  Who will think of the ceiling robots?

I keep thinking that perhaps the future needs to help inform the past. Perhaps one needs to write a letter on behalf of the ceiling robots because they don't yet exist to use a pen and paper (or email) to write it:

Dear RealTalk Team,

We are the ceiling robots and we want to let you know how we nearly didn't come into existence due to architectural plans that initially did not include us. What you need to know is that we'll require certain metal struts and lots of clearance. We may seem less important than cameras and projectors right now, but when we finally arrive, you'll conclude it was us that mattered the most. Our ability to physically maneuver the space is what put the Dynamic in Dynamic Medium. More technical details below…
