Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 10:24:50 -0700
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Robotic Spaces jam
Hi Jeff, Chris, Shelly,

We are having a "robotic spaces" jam on Friday that I wanted to invite you to. The theme is to explore ideas like tables and whiteboards that move themselves, ceiling robots that position cameras and projectors in space, 3D dynamic dioramas, etc.

We've done a few of these jams in the past. The format is we all get together in the central space, then work individually for a half hour or so making drawings, physical models, prototypes, etc. of an idea we have around the theme. We'll have a bunch of crafting materials out, and you can use our printer, equipment, board game pieces, etc. After we've prepared, we go around and each present our idea, showing our drawings, play acting with our props, etc.

We'll start at 11a on Friday, July 29. We'll bring in lunch for everyone.

Below are a few photos from previous jams so you can get a sense of the vibe.

Hope you can make it Friday!


PS: In case you all haven't met, Jeff and Chris are roboticists who work out of the shop underneath 469 9th St. (They're the previous tenants of 456 8th St.) Shelly is the architect who we are working with on 469 9th st.

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