Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 19:49:19 -0700
From: Joshua Horowitz
Subject: Whiteboard archiving status update
I'm archiving a lot of whiteboards. There's a system. Every whiteboard has a pink sticky in the top-left corner. It will say one of the following things:

- ✔: It's archived to my full satisfaction!
- IN PROGRESS: I know it exists and intend to archive it to my full satisfaction.
- WILL NOT ARCHIVE: I know it exists and don't intend to archive it. This is presumably because it's just a bunch of posters on a whiteboard, or something like that. Let me know if I'm wrong about any of these.
- SHOULD I ARCHIVE?: I don't know! Should I?

I already intend to archive the following non-whiteboard objects:

- The library wall (OK; I guess this is a whiteboard).
- The representation gallery.

Let me know if there's anything else you want.

I have a website ready for close-up viewing of archived boards, but it's a pain to get data to it. I'll let you know when it's stabilized, so you can see what "my full satisfaction" looks like.
