Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 12:22:14 -0700
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Re: Memex Jam Documentation
I wrote up a "capabilities summary", what "magic" computer sensing/actuation we'd need to realize each of these visions:


- Speech-to-text a phrase spoken into a microphone
- Index physical objects for searching (eg book in library)
- Find an "open space" near a person for projection
- Robot delivers found objects to a person
- Track usage of references to reinforce connections
- Identify a photo from a binder or from a drawer
- Create a large viewing screen conveniently
- Capture "state snapshot" of a live system, associate it to a photo
- Know where dynamic objects appear in a photo
- Associate fabrication spec (laser cutting file) with an object
- Id printout of a webpage
- Know where "nearest screen" is (for viewing a webpage)


- Know where blank pages are (for projection)
- Id photos in a binder
- Know where dynamic objects appear in a photo for interaction
- Know how to "projection augment" a photo to simulate Room system within a photo
- Id snippets of code in a printout
- Follow a link on a printout


- Follow a link on a printout
- "Snip out" a region of a printout with highlighter, associate it to original source
- Snip out text of a printout with a highlighter, associate it to original source
- Get image printouts as index-card-sized pieces of paper
- Collage pieces of paper, "scan", get a printout with items linked to original sources
- Associate objects with source (research gallery label -> email)
- Find nearest screen (for presenting)
- Record timeline of displaying media, intersperse it into spoken transcript
- Track highlighters, what they've highlighted
- Know location of printouts to projection augment their surrounding context


- Take a high-res photo by specifying a region with laser pointer
- Know where dynamic objects appear in a photo
- Track location of printed photos (to point out "back links")
- Know photo locations to associate overlapping photos
- Associate photos of quotes in a book back to their original source


- Auto-dating of drawings on paper
- "Boxing" regions of drawings for tagging, searching, sorting, linking
- Paper with better cut & paste affordances for rearranging diagrams as you draw them


- Track blank pages for projection
- Know date of a page in a notebook
- Link a page in notebook to media: pictures, video, audio recordings
- Auto-link based on time, location, emails with people involved
- Ipad interaction with a projection
- Know where in a notebook a page is for "flip here..." interaction
- Link regions in a notebook to live simulations
- Prompt person to place physical objects interaction
- Track proximity of dynamic objects to blank paper for inspect interaction
- Handwriting recognition to edit code


- Tag objects with colored stickers for sorting, auto-adding to calendar
- Handwriting recognition for notes
- Detect "checking off" a to-do
- Send a note to a location, to a person