Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:19:49 -0800
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Re: Programming Imagination Jam
I made a list of all of the "magic computer sensing" needs for each of these projects. I've tried to make the list as "dry" as possible, listing what sensing we would need if the project were implemented as enacted.

Paula - Cat World
  • Blessing mat - register object, icon-ify
  • Name object by writing on token - OCR handwriting
  • Teaching mat - OCR handwriting, recognize tokens/stickers, recognize configuration of rotating piece
  • Locate tokens (LEGO pieces) on playing field
  • Recognize modifiers (cat hat) on pieces
  • Reload rules from project book - know what rules are in the book
Nagle - Ometropolis Sim
  • Recognize configuration of paper dial - understand dial marking, understand labels
  • Recognize area marked off by laser gesture
  • Recognize area marked off by string lasso
Bret - Video Coasters
  • Track booper - what coaster it's booping
  • Track rule cards - know when they're on the active rules mat
  • Read rule cards
  • Recognize existence of object definitions (from receipt printer) in the binder
  • Know what page is open in the binder
  • Know what's on the page and where (for projection augmentation)
  • Capture parts of the world (snapshots, takes), reify them (as stickers?), track them in binder
  • Track movements (gestures) of booper. Classify them.
  • Instantiate and track new pseudoscreen (Clip Queue)
  • Track locations of in and out point stickies on coasters
  • Track proximity of stones (for audio volume)
Toby - PCR Machine
  • Track location of components on box in order to select them with laser
  • Track inspector cards (for projection)
  • Know when a person is holding an inspector card
  • Read rule cards
  • Track rule cards location for state machine semantics, laser selection, projection augmentation
Josh - Thermodynamic Sim
  • Track location of sheets, grid semantics
  • Track locations of Go stones
  • Read rule cards
  • Recognize alligator clip connections between cards
Glen - Video Coasters
  • Track foamcore pseudoscreens for projection (video player, browser "tab")
  • Track when a coaster is tapped, identify the coaster (to play the correct video)
  • Track relative movement of scrubber
  • Track rule cards (receipts) attachment to objects (bless box, tape roll)
  • Track which coasters are contained in the bless box
  • Track "last thing I touched"
  • Track orientation of tape roll
  • Track touches on pseudoscreen (ipad-like interface)
  • Track keyboard's "pairing" to pseudoscreen (proximity?)