Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:08:33 -0800
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: LightBlue Bean for object movement detection
I did a quick test trying out programming the LightBlue Bean and seeing how it might be physically embedded within objects to detect when they're moving.

The idea is to know when objects we care about are moving and then correlate the movement's timing to video data, thus identifying and locating the object. Similarly, we could mount LEDs on objects we especially care about (e.g. cameras), then when that object moved it could say (via bluetooth) "here I am" and flash its LEDs to calibrate its position.

The Bean, with battery, is slightly thicker than a piece of foamcore, so I'm using two stacked pieces. The weight is reasonable (like a board game piece).

Inline image 2

Here is a video showing accelerometer readings. I am graphing the accelerometer difference (magnitude of the first derivative) and sending that out every 50ms. As you can see, it should be fairly simple to threshold and filter to determine when the object is moving.

Inline image 3
Inline image 4
Inline image 1