Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:15:45 -0800
From: Glen Chiacchieri
Subject: Programming Imagination Jam
We decided for our writeup to the programming imagination jam that we would each document our own project. Here's mine!


For the programming jam, I mocked up a video editor using the video coasters I had previously made.

As before, you tap each coaster which plays the video on the large piece of posterboard.

The music is reified in a "browser tab" which is playing a youtube video:

The "music" token is a scrubber that when moved along an axis changes the position of the audio. I imagine I would be using this interface two-handed (tapping and scrubbing) like so:

Responding to the issue of how I program all 110 coasters, I thought maybe the box I was using to store them could also "bless" the coasters with a behavior when a coaster was taken out of it:

I also used a tape roll for volume adjustment, with the code on the bottom.

When rotated, the volume of the main video player changes. I don't know if "last thing I touched" is an interesting primitive or not.
It seemed important that this stuff was made out of random objects I had lying around.

It also seemed important that I be able to find and test out different music. This component could be an ipad-like interface to my personal music collection that I could choose from and try songs out:

Or I could make a blank piece of paper into a browser tab with the GOOGLE TOOL and a keyboard for searching and finding youtube videos of music: