Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 14:27:51 -0800
From: Dave Cerf
Subject: CDG second Anniversary documentation
A few things I learned from trying to document the party last night, which might be useful for future documentation: • simultaneously attending and documenting is tricky • Press badges and big cameras make the photographer’s role clearer • a little makes you want more… - Shooting a little bit of video makes me wish I shot a lot more video—my camera’s not really up to the task. I originally intended to take only still images and considered video to be an experiment. - Recording audio makes me wish I recorded more audio. I edited the linked-to movie (see below) silently first, and was amazed what happened when I turned on the sound: the conversations happening in the background interested me far more than the video documentation. The only conversations captured were done so partially and accidentally, and that seems too bad. - It is tricky to record conversations in non-privacy-violating ways, but I had this crazy inspiration suddenly: 100 or so microphones hanging from the ceiling in a grid pattern, recording the entire evening, which then can be sonically “walked through” after the fact to hear what people we were discussing while using the demos. • a list of what to document is important; otherwise, I just photographed who and whatever I happened to be near at the time. I missed a ton of things. A year from now, those missing items will feel more painful than now. • laser pointer interactions are tough to frame because they often cover large distances • the group photo at the end was the only “intentional” image captured during the evening. I’m glad we did it, but it was last-minute and thus we missed Nagle, Chaim, Virginia, and Josh. A medium-res PDF in a curated order is attached here. Links to the brief video and original images are here: Dave
Attachment: CDG_Anniversary2_20150108.pdf