I made a notes-on-a-video UI so I could give feedback for Joe's next talk. Here it is with a different talk loaded in:
http://rmozone.com/snapshots/2015/12/marina-pitches/(You can pretend to make/delete notes, but nothing will save)
- I used gentle to align the transcript with the audio
- to hint at intonation, I combined the textual representation with pitch tracking data
This (pitch tracking) turns out to be a subjective, and still somewhat open problem. I'm using code from Prof Ellis at Columbia U
Marit is in CC because she's interested in pitch tracking; she and other digital humanities people will visit CDG late December and mid January: more details when the dates are all confirmed
- i made new multi-scale thumbnail grids. The size of the image grows when it doesn't change very much. Still working out some kinks, but I find the approach very promising. In particular, you can ask questions like:
When, exactly, does the shot change?
What is in the shot?
How long is this shot? (Each line is 1sec)
Is there a transition? What sort?
- and then the rest is fairly standard nasty js tiny screen glue autoscrolling timeout seatbelt <video> etc
I may try to push this one a bit further. It seems like it offers a lot, even if it doesn't satisfy all of my Big Ideas about interlace anti-annotation video.
Warmly from castle solitude,