Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 18:00:19 -0700
From: Paula
Subject: book cover maker
I like printing out papers to read, and I like how when we print out papers, other people can read them when we are finished. they get left out on the coffee table, but recently we've stacked so many up that I realized it would be nice if the papers had spines and their titles printed on the spines.

Inline image 3

Inline image 4
i used combscript to make this. 

then I used rob's bookbinding glue to put everything together. (i bound the printed pages first, waited about an hour for it to dry, then glued the book cover to it, using binder clips to keep the pages together)

and the spine isn't that readable, unfortunately. I was tweaking the etch settings as I prototyped, which is why the title is unreadable but the author is pretty legible.  
Inline image 5
Hm, doesn't stand out that well against the colorful books. But the title is etched onto the spine!

you can copy and paste the .yaml file into combscript if you want to make your own cover too.
Assuming you use the same paper for the pages, and the same poster paper for the cover, all you need to do is change the # of pages in the "constants" section, and the text. 

- paula

Attachment: bookmakerRegion.yaml