Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 21:06:27 +0200
From: Goetz Bachmann
Subject: Re: [traces] götz at "terms of media"
Ooops, I just added the wrong attachment after reading the email to you over and over again for 7 hours AAAARGH - attached one with less spelling mistakes, please use this one!

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Goetz Bachmann wrote:
Hi Robert, hi all,

attached you find the script and the slides of last week's talk - sorry for not sending it around earlier! I worked on it literally until 1 min before I gave the talk, that was not planned like this -_-; Plus: This last minute work produced a rather rough script, so I needed to make it readable for you. Which I did now, so here you go. 

If you have time to read it, great! If you have time to comment, even better! And if you want to wait for the video: Brown wants to put it online, and I'll send the link, once they do. Please feel free to share this, especially with Dan, as I do not have his email here. I'll send it to Alan separately.

You will see that I focused in the Brown talk on the first part of the stuff I talked about at the CDG 10 days ago - and even there, I had to limit myself to a small selection of ways-of-working. So I talked only about the work with representations, pointers and tools, as well as riffing, dropping and a little bit on the use of space. I also focused a lot on Bret's published work, with some v short remarks on recent work done by Vi, Glenn, Paula, Robert and the Lively team. The reason is simple: The CDG needs a lot of explanation first, so 35 min does not give you a lot of time (even like this, I had to shave off the last page at the end). But I hope that future work will enable me to widen the focus, deepen the analysis, and especially give full justice to "Boundary Object Emily!"

The presentation at Brown seemed to have been a success. Never satisfied with myself, I personally feel that it could have been much better, but it was a first presentation, the feedback I got was good (though there was some critique that I am too much in love with the CDG, which I could not argue with), and I was chuffed that especially those people, who work in tech dev, got quite exited in a good way. I hope that you, too, still feel yourself represented correctly, and please let me know, if there is anything you'd add, correct, change :)

I guess it goes without saying that I miss the CDG! Warmly from Hamburg (and btw: If any of you is in Hamburg or Berlin, let me know: There is always a place to stay!)


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Robert Ochshorn wrote:
a cdg informant snapped these lovely photos of götz presenting his work about our work at brown’s terms of media:

the live stream isn’t working, which is probably for the best:

hope it went well, götz! looking forward to hearing all about it,


Attachment: Goetz, Bootstrapping, Providence Oct, fin, with corrections.docx