Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 21:13:51 -0700
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Re: Apparatus microjam materials
Yes, I would like to build a community around shared and embeddable diagrams. I am wary of the maintenance responsibilities into the future. I would want a community of developers supporting it.

Thanks for the domain tip. I parked

Also thanks Matthias for these two diagrams. Due to all of you the initial examples page will be well populated :)

On Saturday, September 19, 2015, Chaim Gingold wrote:
This is so cool!!

Fantastic presentation and work, Toby! I have some misc. design notes and questions for you, but really my #1 Big Wish right now is for these to be easily shareable (and then: embeddable in a player mode—could be easily toggled to edit). I know that’s not-researchy and non-trivial, but it will have a massive short and long term payoff, including helping recruit folks to the project.


(ok, isn’t available, but is)

On Sep 19, 2015, at 1:04 PM, Matthias Graf <> wrote:

I just created 2 more visual explanations.

For flattening (unrolling) the circle circumference: (Inspiration)

and drawing the involute of a circle:



Am 15.09.2015 um 20:14 schrieb Joshua Horowitz:
Here's a li'l cycloid, illustrating one way to see traces of the past with Apparatus.

(Thanks Toby!)

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 6:57 PM, Bret Victor <> wrote:
Oops, I left one out.

On Sep 15, 2015, at 6:55 PM, Bret Victor <> wrote:

Here are a few things I made.  "potted-plant" is probably the most interesting.


On Sep 15, 2015, at 2:51 PM, Toby Schachman <> wrote:

So here is Apparatus currently,

I have made two cheat sheets, one showing all the functionality of the GUI and one describing the javascript that you can use in expressions. (Attached but I'll also print some copies.)

I've also attached a zip file of examples. To play with these or build off of them, you'll need to click Load in the Apparatus menu bar and then select one of the json files to load.

For reference, here are the videos I made last month,

The only major difference is that in the videos, spreads are created with javascript arrays. I decided I wanted a custom spread type, so to create spreads you now need to use the spread function. (See the javascript cheat sheet.)
<apparatus><apparatus usage.pdf><javascript in expressions.pdf>
