Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 12:33:30 -0700
From: Glen Chiacchieri
Subject: Re: "Attempting Deep Work" by Jonathan Blow
BLUE THUMBNAIL TOWER. Maybe next time I can choose a better quality  video (not blue), and better graphic design for the navigation/bookmarking/whatevering. Considering we decided to make this experiment like an hour before we were supposed to watch the movie, I think it turned out okay!

Also the collaboration worked pretty well! I was comfortable screenshotting all the slides and knew that I didn't have to worry as much about the dynamic parts of the lasering/navigation system because Bret was thinking about that. By the time I printed out all the slides, I was kind of exhausted, but Robert stepped in to help tape them all up.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Bret Victor wrote:
For watching this video, we put up a simple thumbnail grid to the left of the screen, printing out each of the slides and taping it to the wall.  The grid was lit up by the projector, which made it stand out in an interesting way.

The black vertical bar is the playhead, which moves along as the video plays, and can be controlled with the laser to jump around in the video.  The video spends a different amount of time on each slide, so the playhead moves at different rates through the different slides.  I thought this worked well, and the speed of the playhead gave a subtle hint of how long the current slide would be.

The red bars are bookmarks.  At any time while watching, a viewer could laser the screen, and it would leave a bookmark at the current position, to remind the viewer of a point that they wanted to bring up during the discussion afterwards.  I liked that the act of bookmarking was visible to everyone, as opposed to simply typing a note on your personal laptop -- it felt useful and important to know that somebody found something noteworthy in what was just said.

Glen collected and printed the slide screenshots, Robert put them up, and I made them laserable.

Video of playhead moving:  [IMG_8376.m4v]