Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 13:24:34 -0700
From: Chaim Gingold
Subject: Emoji Communication Design, Card Games
I recently made some emoji cards with the laser cutter. Actually, just about all the emoji cards: 874. Having hand cut cards before, the laser cutter was deeply appreciated. However don’t ask me to make another set just yet, it’s still a lot of labor!

(For the time being, all of the PDFs used are here.)

Emoji are confounding and delightful symbols to play with, as you probably already know from personal experience. Liat Berdugo and I have designed and play tested some games together, and if people are interested we could play some of them at CDG after some more refinement. Below, Emily and Marko are playing an “Am I…?” game, and Emily has used some cards to articulate a story. Can you guess the title?